If you’re ready to start modeling, getting Cogulator installed on a Mac Silicon, Mac Intel, or PC is easy.
Cogulator is provided gratis under an Apache 2.0 license. Feel free to look under the hood. If you’d like to contribute to the project, create a pull request. Cogulator is built using HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Electron.
Let us know if you run into any bugs. For more general questions, feel free to get in touch with the project lead, Steven Estes, at sestes@mitre.org
. (10/01/2024) v4.5.1 of Cogulator has been released. Now, text inside of brackets is highlighted. Has no impacted on the model or model calculations.
. (10/01/2024) It's been a while. v4.5.0 of Cogulator has been released. Changed out the carb. Upgraded the exhaust. Fixed a few bugs.
. (10/21/2022) v4.4.2 of Cogulator has been released. Fixed a bug in error messages (ironic), and added the version number to the help menu.
. (7/13/2022) v4.4.1 of Cogulator has been released. Can now change the Cogulator models folder.
Cogulator was developed by the MITRE corporation. We've had fantastic contributions from Prairie Rose Goodwin and Nischal Shrestha of NC State; and from Bob Marinier, Kyle Aron, and Jack Zaientz at SoarTech.